Here you will find answers to questions.
Please read this through or check if you find your answer here before you contact the support. You can find addiotional informations how to use the websites in section "Guide".
Q: What about the desired videos? Can i have a custom video made according to my ideas?
A: Yes, that's what is the section desired videos On the site you learn everything closer.
Basically all kinds of videos are feasible. With you as a performer, only for you or without you, everything is possible. Costs are usually between 150.- and 300.- per video. Everything else, however, must always be clarified individually.
Q: Do the ladies also offer sessions?
A: Yes, some ladies also offer sessions without a camera. If so, it is mostly in the profile of the lady. For such a session just contact us.
Q: Can I just join to the shootings without paying?
A: Hardly. From time to time we take guys in the team without payment but they must really do a lot of categories. At the moment we are not looking for someone.
Q: With the membership, I get access to all videos?
A: Yes, exactly.
Q: How does this it work exactly as a member?
A: You go to account and join memberhsip. This refers access to the member area of websites and allow you to watch all videos unlimited.
Individual purchases. This refers that you do not acquire a membership but can register for free and then individually buy only the videos you want.
Otherwise you have to enter there only your username and your mail address.
After the payment you will come back to the member area.
Then go to my account and your order section to download the video. Watching and download buttons under the videos in order history.
If you have made individual purchases, you must first select videos and then buy them. After the payment you will come back to your account and find the content in section "Order History" in your account.
If you have taken membership you will come back to your account after the payment and find buttons for streaming play of the videos.
Q: Where can I watch and download the videos in the member area?
A: With the buttons under the Order History.
Q: Can I watch at the shoooting?
A: Sorry no, that does not work. Either join or look as a member on websites. At shootings we don`t need fence monkeys.
Q: Can I contact the ladies?
A: No, this is only possible in the context of a custom video or a session
Q: Which paymentoptions you offer for membership?
A: Currently we offer some payment options that you can see as symbols below. About Inet Cash Credit Cards. Anonymous number variants are also possible, just write an e-mail. Also: Amazon voucher, bitcoin, payfacecard, paypal, wire, worldremit, crypto cureencies, etc
Q: Many of the websites are related to “Austria”. But a lot of also in English and have no name in domain like this. What is the matter?
A: We started in Austria and therefore the name. For many years, our network has been an international manufacturing company.
Q: Do you have any previews?
A: Check the page "All previews" on all websites. There you see previews of all videos. Also every video on the websites have 20 Sec. Preview.
Q: How often you bring updates?
A: Updates will be released every few days
Q: Can i just watch or download the movies?
A: Also download as often as you want.
Q: What should I do if something does not work?
A: Write an e-mail via contact form. Just contact the support.
Q: What data is saved by me?
A: Only your username, which is any name and your Emailaddress.
Q: What data do I have to enter to log in?
A: Any email address and a password.
Q: How many videos are in German and how many in English on the pages?And How many in other languages?
A: About 40/40 english/german and 20% other.
Q: Can i sell own videos as well on your sites?
A: Yes on can be videos sold. You can ask us also if you want sell us convoluts of videos. Exclusiv rights or you want produce for us. We are open for any kind of partnership. Learn more about this with page “Become a partner”
Q: When i order videos on one of the websites can i switch on other of the sites and continue there my shopping?
A: Exactly. You can login with one access in all websites and your order will go with you. Means if you order let`s say in a product and then you login in or any other of the websites. There will be your cart product from website in cart. Same also for your downloads. And you can pay it there and use it in which site you want. All your downloads will in same your account. No matter where you logged in.
Q: How works it on the websites?
A: With the link "Guide" on all our websites you find informations how it works for register and then after register how it works inside in your account.
Q: What i do if something not working? Download, Account, Player and so on.
A: Just send a message via contact form to us. Support is almost 24h available and help you to fix the issue.
Q: Will your pages and content work in all browsers and media?
A: Basically yes. However, it often happens that on the Iphone in the member area the videos are only available for download, but not for viewing. This also generally occurs in the member area with some mobile applications. Usually everything works fine in the browsers: firefox, chrome and edge. In safari in the Iphone it can be, as I said, that only the download is possible in the members area. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by our websites! Playback of previews and videos, as well as downloading, should be possible on PC, laptop, tablet and on all mobile phones. Edge works fine.
Q: I bought some videos on the site as a guest without an account. How do I get to my videos?
A: In this case you have to send us the order after the purchase. The name and number of the videos and that you have bought without an account. Simply because we cannot know that you have no account. In that case we will send you the links to the videos by email.
Q: Is the membership of the plans on the sites recurring membership?
A: Yes it`s automatickally recurring membership. You need to terminate if you wish not more to use.
Q: Where i can find the newest updates in a category?
A: The latest updates in a category you find on all websites easy at categories and then let it sort for "latest". Then shows the newest updates in this category.
Q: How it works with multiple downloads?
A: For multiple downloads use best browser chrome and open more tabs.
Q: Do you offer any affiliate program for webmasters?
A: Yes we offer for affiliate partners a program with earn per sale(50%) and earn per lead. Also in second line. You find all the infos and register options with this link affiliate on the website
Q: I can`t watch some videos because of error message
A: If you get at some videos this error "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or the format is not supported."
or in mobile " the media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support"
In this case if you get this issue at some videos you have two options:
Try it later again. Try it some times after some seconds, minutes or hours. Often just the server hang and after a while the video will play normal.
When is also after a while not works just download the video. The download works also in case the streaming shows this error.
Q: I can`t download the videos or photo zips.
A: 90% of our customers and user can download the videos. In some cases can it happen that the download works not for any reason. About your internet connection, about your provider download limit, etc.If this is the case or any other reason why you can`t download we can also send you videos per download link.
Q: I have some problems with the player for streaming or download problems. Is there any other option for better resultats?
A: If the player or download works not so good for you, then you have some options for better resultats.
If the download works not for you or break down dure the download you can order your videos also via link. Just inform the support and we will try to send you the videos with downloadlink via email.
If the players for streaming works not good for you can try the videos after download in different players. Some of our user get higher resultats in players for exempal like Cyberlink Media Story
Q: Your picture files are 7 zip. Can you explain how i can use this?
A: Most of our picture sets are packed in zip 7 files. For this you have two options: either you have winzip then you can open zip 7 files with winzip program like it would be a normal winzip file. If you have winzip not you can download zip7 for free here Download 7zip
With this program you can open winzip files without paying. Also you can create 7zip files which can open with winzip. With this program you can easy open our photo packages.
Q: What does it means if some videos shows "Preview coming soon" or "Preview not exist" ?
A: If at the video is written "Preview coming soon" means just that preview for this video or gif will creat by converter soon or for any reason shows no preview but the video is there. For members means this video is already available in member account to watch and download.So in case you are member of the sites you can use this video anyway no matter what is written there about preview.
If is written there "Preview not exist" means this is just a picture set or this video definitly have no preview what in most cases means there is no video because of any issue in upload. We recomand suchs video not for purchase. Seems there is any issue with the video file or the video doesn`t exist anymore.